BA Programs

RIJS is proud to offer the following options for completing your BA degree with our assistance:

Excelsior College, founded in 1971 as a private branch of NYU has been a fantastic option for the Jewish community in allowing up to 113 transfer credits from RIJS toward a BA in Liberal Arts.  This means that a student can complete up to 90 credits in Judaic Studies and other subjects familiar to them, and complete all of the core requirements of English, Math, and Science through RIJS as well, and transfer these into Excelsior, take three courses in Excelsior, and graduate.  This has been an attractive option for students for around 20 years now.

In addition, with RIJS’s new courses in Psychology, Sociology, Business, Accounting, and Cybersecurity, many other BA programs are now available through Excelsior.

Thomas Edison State University is affiliated with many seminaries and schools in Israel and the United States and will often take many credits in transfer.  As with Excelsior, a student can complete many of the TESU requirements through RIJS’s new course list  and there are very few courses that the student will need to take through TESU directly.

Bellevue University has a sprawling campus in Nebraska, and thanks to Rabbi Pesach Lerner who has developed a relationship with them, a student with RIJS credits can use Rabbi Lerner’s program to earn their BA through Bellevue University or even their MA is Social Work and other lucrative fields.  While the student cannot transfer as many credits into Bellevue as they can into other colleges, the degree from Bellevue is more widely recognized and allows students an opportunity to be accepted into a larger array of MA programs.

There are many other BA programs available to our students which we are not allowed to advertise due to the unique relationships we have developed in June of 2021 using our new course list in fields such as Psychology, Sociology, Business, Finance, Culinary Arts, and more. 

Please note: Successful credits (by evaluation/exam) may be recommended for credit transfer but each academic institution makes the final decision about which credits they will accept; determined on a case by case basis.

For more details please contact us.